This is a group psycho-therapy session that helps family members with a wide variety of personalities, perceptions, worldviews and value systems to support one another, understand each other and walk through challenging situations together.

This session is meant to provide psychological support through having a one-on-one talk therapy with a trained counsellor. It helps individual to explore their feelings, beliefs and behaviors and help identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change.

We offer psycho-education in form of counselling to all unmarried people who have the intention or a desire to one day get married. Being equipped with relevant information prior to having a relationship leads to making better choices.

Marriage is definitely not a bed a roses and thus we introduce post marital counselling. This therapy session is meant to help couples work on marital issues that arise from time to time. These issues if left unresolved could strain the relationship with time.

This is where we provide psychological therapy to toddlers, children and adolescents to help improve their mental, emotional, social and behavioral health. Due to the varying ages and cognitive levels, we employ age appropriate types of therapies.

This is designed to help an individual to know and understand self and the world of work in order to make career, educational and life decisions. In other instances, it equips individuals with knowledge and skills needed to make future life decisions.

Traumatic events come unexpectedly for instance accidents, illnesses, disasters, assault, sexual,emotional and physical abuse. This session helps an individual to cope with trauma, whether it is caused by a one time event, on going or long-lasting situations.

Every transition has certain intensity or degree of pressure. These changes include; retirement, retrenchment, divorse, breakup and other in the positive like marriage, birth of a child, adolescence e.t.c. We help you to cope with change in a healthy and positive way.

Stepping back from day to day activities helps a team plan ahead, build relationship and resolve challenges. Other than providing the physical activities, we offer psycho-education concerning different aspects of life to the various teams.

Mediation is a voluntary participant-centered and structured negotiation process where a neutral third party (mediator) assist the parties in resolving their dispute in a way that is acceptable to all. Mediation is usually less costly than going to court.

We facilitate mentorship programmes to help mentees grow by tapping into the knowledge and experience of someone further along than themselves in life. The mentor provides advise and guidance to their mentee to help them grow, learn and develop.

This provides emotional and psychological support after traumatic events. In an initiative called wounded healers, groups like the clergy, policemen, teachers and team leaders get a safe and confidential environment to process issues in a healthy way.